Thursday, August 2, 2007

blow your cool

every day, dave and i get on the wrong train. it's so fucked up. every time, i totally look around and make sure no one saw us go back up the 3 flights of stairs to where we started out at. and then dave yells fuck and is sweating profusely because i made him wear pants. this was pretty much wasted logic. i thought that we had to look nice to get a spot to live, you know, play a certain part- VERY WRONG. you can be a fucking scumbag as long as you have 40 times your rent and good credit. plus, Anyone and Everyone is a broker. and they are some of the scummiest of the scumy. its a big bummer we even have to use them because they make you feel like shit, tire you out and basically create a general feeling of hysteria and desperation. this week has been pretty bad. its good to see homies, but i'm mostly stressed about a bunch of other shit to really have a good time. and i feel guilty spending a dollar right now. today it was 90 degrees. so, thats bad but when its 90 degrees and there's absolutely no air and its sticky and hellish in china town, you want to die. we kind of always joke about jumping in front of trains, but its really not that funny.
there was a rapist in the lower east side. i made it a point to tell people about it. some people just don't want to scare you, but ultimately i want to know. he was assaulting women at like 4 am. one girl was being attacked and her boyfriend saw what was happening in the hallway from the street. he broke the glass of the door and starting screaming at the perv. i thought this was amazing. anyways, the guy just got caught. he worked just at 11th street and ave a. FUCKED UP.
DAVE'S BIRTHDAY just happened..... we had a great dinner... we saw a film.... it was raining, but it was nice.... and then we met up with friends..... i think things will only get better from here. i'm positive.

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