soooooo tired right now. i can't stand it... it sucks because we don't have tv. but there's this whole arguement as to why we don't have tv. it sucked up most of my sf life, what with Damian's amazing set up (42 inch flatscreen, every channel possible, surround sound, ps3). so, now we download tv shows and watch our movies over and over again. its kinda dumb actually. i'm thinking i might buy cable while dave's gone. especially since i mostly just spend time on the internet now versus in front of the tv. i'm pinche creatively tapped out from school, i'm not gonna come home and paint a picture and compose three songs on the guitar (this is what we thought we'd do with our free time). the thing is, when you're in a relationship it can get way too comfortable just watching a shitload of tv and movies together, drinking/smoking and going to bed. i really think that can lead to a downfall. so... i guess its all about balance.
i'm working on my script right now. its a story about two best girfriends who understand each other's needs/wants tacitally. one of them has a new boyfriend who has zero personality and both realize they are in love with each other through a series of interactions. we'll see. the assignment is 4 minutes, no dialogue, all exteriors. this is what we have to focus on for the entirety of this semester. would you like to audition for Emma, Sara or Jason? god. i'm so cheesy. its so hard to avoid turning everything i do in a bad levi's commercial.
kisses are a better fate
than wisdom
-e.e. cummings